The Old Mill House
The Common
IP22 1LG
childcare, nurseries, day nursery, child care
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The Online Directory for Parents to find Childcare in their Local Area Childcare Directory is a national website listing all Daycare Nurseries throughout the UK for parents to find local daycare facilities near to home or if they are relocating to another part of the country. We provide useful resources and up to date information on all matters relating to childcare. You will find both basic and full listings where nurseries can provide FULL details of their facilities together with photographs and online prospectus requests. For those nurseries that already have a website our site links directly through to theirs.
Welcome to our Business Blog in Touch Local Many things are happening at Childcare Directory at the moment. We are in the process of updating the whole directory including a new design for the whole site.We are also in the midst of writing a book for Parents about the 3 - 4 year olds Early Years Education Grant Funding, we have no end of enquiries about it, Parents are unsure of how it works and how they claim so we thought we would write a book about it. If there is someting that you would really like to see on Childcare Directory that isn't included at the moment, we would love to hear from you with your suggestions.
Specialist Services The latest information on the 3 & 4 year old Early Years Education Grant Funding. For Providers we offer Online Advertising, Web Design, Marketing Services, Google AdWords, Google Place Pages,